Western Medicine

Care is provided through three different units: General Medicine, Gynaecological Care and Psychological Healthcare


Western Medicine

Care is provided through three different units: General Medicine, Gynaecological Care and Psychological Healthcare

Care is provided through three different units:

General Medicine

Here, a detailed exposure history, history of illness and other significant information of the person is recorded. The person is physically and clinically examined and appropriate advice for treatment is offered. All clinical data is recorded in the person’s individual folder and subsequently computerised.

Gynaecological Care

The Dominique Lapierre City of Joy Sambhavna Gynaecology Unit is the only facility in Bhopal that provides regular cervical screening, examination and treatment to survivors of the disaster. In fact, Sambhavna is one of the very few clinics, in all of India, to have ever offered free cervical screening to slum-dwelling women.

State of the art facilities such as colposcopy and LLETZ are available at Sambhavna and two gynaecologists and a health assistant run the unit. Community health work, focusing on gynaecological health issues, is carried out by health workers.

Psychological Healthcare

Healthcare for such symptoms as panic attacks, insomnia or disturbed sleep, anxiety, depression, irritability and impaired memory is provided by a psychiatrist.

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