Signup to Run for Bhopal in the Brighton Marathon or 10k!

We are pleased to announce that signups are once again open to run for the BMA in the Brighton Marathon or Brighton 10k, scheduled for the weekend of 10-12th September, 2021. The Brighton Marathon is now the second largest in the UK, with a route that winds through the city and along the seafront, with beautiful views and (hopefully!) a sea breeze. It’s a wonderful opportunity to keep fit and active while supporting your favourite charities. Our supporters have been running the Brighton Marathon for Bhopal since 2011, and the event is always an amazing day out for everyone involved.

The Brighton 10k encompasses the first part of the Brighton marathon route and is set to start at 9am on Sunday, September 12th 2021 from Preston Park. The marathon will begin from the same spot 45 minutes later, at 9.45am. All participants will be provided with a BMA vest and a race pack before the event.

If you are interested in joining us and participating in either event, you can contact us at or on +44 (0)1273 603278. We would love to help and can answer any questions, as well as offering advice on fundraising and preparation for the run.

You can also check out all the info about both race events on the Brighton Marathon website:

Girl with candle Bhopal

Please Donate

Your money helps us provide free medical care to the survivors of the continuing disaster in Bhopal. We are funded almost exclusively by the generosity of ordinary people around the world.