Music for Bhopal Concert in Boston, USA

Music for Bhopal concert Boston, MA, MIT

International Campaign for Justice student group Students for Bhopal are hosting a concert for the campaign at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston.

The concert will take place on Sunday 31st March 3012 at 18.00 hours in the Wong Auditorium, MIT, 2 Amherst Street (Building E51) Cambridge , MA 02139.

The concert will feature singer, composer & pianist Neha who’s roots are in jazz, but also include elements of folk, blues and pop. Echoes of her mother’s classical Indian musical training and influence can also be heard in Neha’s music.

You can visit Neha’s website here

In North America, Students for Bhopal and the International Campaign for Justice (ICJB) is a network of students, professionals, activists, and partners working in solidarity with the survivors of the Bhopal disaster in their struggle for justice. We use education, grassroots organizing and non-violent direct action to pressure Dow Chemical and the Indian Government to uphold the Bhopalis’ demand for justice, and their fundamental human right to live free of chemical poison. SfB/ICJB work directly to improve the condition of Bhopal’s survivors. Our role is to empower and train leaders in the worldwide movement to end this crime against humanity.

You can learn more about the ICJB here

You can buy tickets for Music for Bhopal here
Prices: $15 General Seating/ $10 Students with Valid ID

Girl with candle Bhopal

Please Donate

Your money helps us provide free medical care to the survivors of the continuing disaster in Bhopal. We are funded almost exclusively by the generosity of ordinary people around the world.