‘Assist Bhopal’, a short documentary by 16 year-old Milwaukee student Megan Dogra, was shown at the 2014 Milwaukee Film Festival on Sunday the 28th at the Oriental Theater. ‘This documentary is a window for the world to see the ongoing disaster in Bhopal’ describes Megan, who was inspired to make this film after visiting the Chingari rehabilitation Center for children in Bhopal, in March 2014. Megan, who’s parents were born in Delhi, first heard of the disaster during a lecture from a visiting professor from University of Wisconsin-Madison.
‘Assist Bhopal’ is just part of Megan’s overall fundraising and awareness raising activities to help the children at Chingari. She is hoping to raise funds to help sustain a nutrition program, which provides the children with meals. Megan is working with with Professor Lalita du Perron, Associate director, Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin – Madison and Dr. Henry Wend, Director, Global Scholars department, University School of Milwaukee to help Bhopal’s gas leak victims. She hopes to initially raise $13,000 a year.
You can visit Megan’s ‘Assist Bhopal’ Facebook page for updates on Megan’s efforts and the documentary, by clicking here. You can also listen to Megan’s interview with Milwaukee public radio, and read about her story here. We wish Megan the best of luck with her fundraising and look forward to being able to watch her documentary.