Manoj Jacob ‘A face in the Sand’ for Bhopal

A FACE IN THE SAND - Manoj Jacob

Singer songwriter Manoj Jacob shared his song ‘A face in the sand’ with us. The song was written in protest to Dow Chemical’s sponsorship deal with the International Olympic Committee. We caught up with Manoj to ask him about the inspiration behind the song and his thoughts on the Olympic sponsorship.

1. Can you tell us about your songs?

My songs consists of simple lyrics and music- I try to write songs that people can easily sing. My first album was mostly rock and roll and about love, my next album became a way for me to express my opinions. The Kargil conflcit, the Bush administration and their policies, credit cards and the pressure to excel on Indian students etc. The music style in my first album veered towards country western, while my socond album leans closer towards acoustic rock.

2. Do you remember the Bhopal disaster?

I was 11 years old at the time and I remember it being spoken about, a gas leak which killed many people. That’s the extent of what I remember.

3. How did you come to write about Bhopal?

Indra Sinha (author of the book ‘Animals People’) listened to some of my songs, and appraoched me to ask if I would write one for Bhopal. Indra is a respected name in the ad world, and recieving this request from him was a big deal as I’m in the advertising business as well.

4. What made you feel compelled to act in response to the Olympic sponsorship?

Just the irony of it all. i cannot understand how an event that preaches fair play can associate with a compnay like Dow Chemical. There’s a support page on facebook here

5. What are your thoughts on the Olympic sponsorship deal?  

I wish they would use the money in Bhopal. They’d earned greater goodwill for their brand that way.

6. Have you anything to say to those who are going to watch this years London Olympic games?

Don’t forget. Don’t let Dow forget. 


Thanks Manoj!


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