Leeds University Wins Wellcome Funding for BMA Project

We are delighted to announce that the Bhopal Medical Appeal have partnered with a team of academics from Leeds University’s Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Culture to explore the health impacts of the Bhopal disaster as part of the LivingBodiesObjects project, which has just received £1 million in funding from charitable foundation Wellcome!

The Leeds University team will use the three-year development grant to further understand the relationship between the human body and technologies associated with health and disability as part of a project called LivingBodiesObjects: Technology and the Spaces of Health.

Professor Stuart Murray, Director of the Leeds Centre for Medical Humanities, is joint leader of the research, alongside Dr Clare Barker and Dr Amelia DeFalco in the School of English, Dr Tom Jackson in the School of Media & Communication, Professor James Stark in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, and Faye Robinson from the University’s Research and Innovation Service.

The Bhopal Medical Appeal is one of four external partner organisations that will work with the Leeds team, as well as creative facilitators Immersive Networks, to develop a six-month residency that will explore the health impacts of the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster, including the impact on human bodies, the outcomes of health interventions, and issues surrounding disabilities and care.

We are extremely excited to be granted this incredible opportunity to work alongside the team at Leeds University and wish to congratulate them on securing the award from Wellcome, which was open to academics at institutions across the globe.

Read the announcement from Leeds University here

Visit the Immersive Networks website here

Girl with candle Bhopal

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