Bhopal Now Conference National University of Ireland Dublin

As part of the Bhopal  Survivors Tour 2012, The National University of Ireland and the Bhopal Medical Appeal present the Bhopal Now Conference. As the disaster appraoches its 28th anniversary, Bhopal Now focuses on the firsthand reflections of on the third decade of a continuing disaster.

Speakers include:

– Chandana Mathur, Anthropology, NUIM
– Safreen Khan, Children Against Dow-Carbide, Bhopal
– Balkrishna Namdev, Gas Peedit Neerashrit Pension Bhogi Sangarsh Morcha
– Tomas MacSheoin, author of Asphyxlating Asia
– Pawas Bisht, Loughborough University

The conference will take place on Saturday 29th September 2012 at the Kimmage Development Studies Centre, NUI Maynooth. For more information please email

Girl with candle Bhopal

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