© Francesca Moore
To mark the 30th Anniversary of the Bhopal Disaster a lecture was held at the Brunei Lecture Theatre at SOAS university on Monday the 1st of December.
The lecture, entitled GLOBALIZATION SINCE BHOPAL: THREE DECADES OF ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER, saw insightful and engaging lectures given by Dr. Vandana Shiva, a leading member of the International Forum on Globalisation and prominent figure of the alter-globalisation movement and Ravi Rajan associate Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, University of California.
Also speaking was Tim Edwards, Managing Trustee of the Bhopal Medical Appeal.
The even which featured a Q & A, saw the speakers reflect back on the decades since that tragic night and ask what lessons have been learned.
Our thanks go to Professor Rosaleen Duffy for chairing the event, and Professor Gilbert Achcar and the SOAS Development Studies department for hosting the event and partnering with the Bhopal Medical Appeal.