Leaving the country for The Bhopal Medical Appeal because I like their pragmatic but holistic approach.


Well, Katrin Milde may not actually be leaving the country to come and join the Bhopal Medical Appeal, as her Just Giving page light-heartedly suggests, but she is leaving the UK for a new job, back in her hometown of Berlin, and making a generous gesture of her leaving gifts.

In Katrin’s own words:

“I said to my colleagues on my last day at work that I am moving to one of the richest countries in the world, job in hand. I’m sad to leave but looking forward to an exciting new chapter in my life. I count myself lucky to have that opportunity and really don’t need another present on top of that. That’s why I asked them to donate to the BMA instead. As you can tell from the comments on the page, they really liked the idea – maybe the trend will catch on? ;-)”

As her Just Giving page explains to her erstwhile colleagues: “I know you have been very generous with leaving presents in the past, so I’d like to ask you to extend your generosity to the Bhopal Medical Appeal this time. I’ve been supporting this charity for a while because the Bhopal Disaster has been widely forgotten and because I like their holistic approach.

Katrin had set a target, hoping to raise £50 from her colleagues, massively exceeding that with £160 raised, and we’d like to offer Katrin our thanks along with our best wishes for a happy future in her new job.

Katrin’s Just Giving page

Girl with candle Bhopal

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Your money helps us provide free medical care to the survivors of the continuing disaster in Bhopal. We are funded almost exclusively by the generosity of ordinary people around the world.