‘This is Your Achievement’; a letter of thanks to our supporters from our Executive Trustee

Old-Women-pic-484x488This December marks two very important anniversaries. Whilst one marks the day where thousands of lives would be irreversibly and tragically changed, the other marks the publication of the Bhopal Medical Appeal’s first appeal, exactly ten years after the 1984 explosion at the Union Carbide pesticide factory in Bhopal.

As Tim Edwards, the Executive Trustee of the Bhopal Medical Appeal, writes in the BMA’s latest letter to supporters, ‘Publication was risked on the wavering hope that this was not a world without care. Nothing really prepared us for what happened in the following days. People from all over Britain responded in such numbers that our volunteers were entirely overwhelmed.’

Since this first appeal, 20 years ago, the funds generated by our supporters kindness and generosity have helped open and sustain the Sambhavna Clinic and the Chingari Trust Rehabilitation Centre in Bhopal. Our supporters should take pride in what they have accomplished, with their help we hope that these clinics will continue to help those in Bhopal who still suffer from the ongoing affects and contamination of a disaster that continues to take its toll.

In Tim’s most recent letter he  thanks all our supporters and donors who in some  way have been a part of the success of these clinics, giving a short recap of the history of the Sambhavna clinic and its necessitated importance to the gas survivors, and their families, in Bhopal. He also provides a brief glimpse to what supporters can expect in our much anticipated Autumn Newsletter, which will look back at the developments and achievements in Bhopal that would never have been made possible if it weren’t for all those who have made contributions to the Bhopal Medical Appeal.

If you would like to read Tim Edwards letter please click on the following link: August 2014 letter to donors.

This December will mark the 30th Anniversary of the Union Carbide factory disaster in Bhopal. If you would like to find out more about our plans for the anniversary, or if you would like to support us or get involved please contact us here.




Girl with candle Bhopal

Please Donate

Your money helps us provide free medical care to the survivors of the continuing disaster in Bhopal. We are funded almost exclusively by the generosity of ordinary people around the world.