As we reported last week, community volunteers in Bhopal recently completed a poster campaign in the thirty-five neighbourhoods of the city in which most of the survivors of the 1984 gas disaster still live. Staff at the Sambhavna clinic kindly sent us a complete translation of the yellow information poster, with instructions on what to do and not to do to safeguard against Covid-19 until the next monsoon season:

To Do:
- Wash hands often, especially before and after eating
- Cover your mouth and nose when outside of the home, using a mask or handkerchief
- Maintain a minimum of 1 metre distance from others
- Have the minimum number of people at public gatherings, including weddings, funerals or religious events
- If you do not have a face mask cover your nose and mouth with clothes or elbow when coughing or sneezing
- Join the local community response Whatsapp group and to be in contact with your local community health volunteer
- If you start displaying virus symptoms get in contact with your community heath volunteer and try to get treatment at home
- Avoid crowded areas where possible
- If you have any ongoing medical conditions continue taking your medication, regularly checking sugar levels and blood pressure
- Try to eat healthy meals and do light exercise to help your physical and mental health

Do Not:
- Do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes
- Remember just wearing a mask does not guarantee your safety
- Avoid shaking hands, maintain distance when meeting others
- Avoid going to weddings, funerals or religious events where possible
- If you have a cough or cold, do not go out without your mask and wash your hands regularly
- Avoid spreading incorrect or harmful information and do not follow any guidance without confirmation from your community health volunteer
- If you start displaying symptoms do not go directly to the hospital except in an emergency; have symptoms tested at home as soon as possible by a community health volunteer
- Avoid leaving the city or travelling
- If you suffer hypertension, diabetes, kidney, lung disease or other ongoing health conditions do not delay or discontinue treatment
- Do not be afraid of the virus, with the support of the community we can keep one another safe

Please note: all children featured together in the pictures are members of the same households and are volunteering their time under the supervision of an adult.