Last week, staff and parents took children from the Chingari Trust Rehabilitation Centre on a picnic to the Chaman Mahal palace which is situated in Islamnagar, near to Bhopal. The Chingari Rehabilitation Centre treats children who suffer from a range of disabilities due to gas or water poisoning as a result of the 1984 gas leak or the subsequent water contamination.

The children spent the day exploring the palace grounds and playing in the fountains. They enjoyed a lunch of Keema and Puri and took part in games organized by the staff.
The highlight of their day out was spotting several black-faced monkeys living in the surrounding trees.

Eight year old Zaid said “Today was great! I have been to the Chaman Mahal palace once before as a special treat for my brothers birthday but I enjoyed it more this time because everyone came.”
Shahid said “I loved to see the palace! We all made jokes that we could hear the sounds of ghosts from within the walls of the palace. I also enjoyed playing badminton with everyone else.”