Kathakali dancers fundraiser for Bhopal

‘Image courtesy of www.aumphotos.com’ (for display on BMA website only)
‘Tears of Celestial Love’ Image courtesy of www.aumphotos.com (c) All rights reserved.

Kathakali Dancers Impress the Audience at NCEM York on 13th June

The Kala Chethena Kathakali Company put on a splendid performance in York last Saturday. The costumes and make-up were colourful and visually stunning. The way the story unfolded, combining mime and facial expressions, together with the expressive music and lighting displays, was extremely effective and delighted the large audience at the National Centre for Early Music.

We sincerely thank the Kathakali company for the kind gift of £150 presented to the Bhopal Medical Appeal as a percentage of ticket sales at this event. This gift will enable us to provide free medical care to children and adults who really need help. Thanks also to all those who supported this event and donated to our cause. Total funds raised are in excess of £750 and still rising.

The evening was a major fundraiser for the BMA. Our thanks to Dr Avijit Datta, Chairman of the York Interfaith Group, who organised an exhibition of photography at the event by celebrated Magnum photographer Raghu Rai, together with a display of fundraising material, T-shirts for sale, flyers and leaflets.

Dr Datta is also co-ordinating additional fundraising events to support our charity this Autumn: The Dharma Foundation is holding a charity dinner at The Country Park Inn, Cliff Road, Hessle Foreshore, Kingston upon Hull on September 19th click for details and the Raghu Rai photographic exhibition will be on display to the public at an exhibition hosted by the York Medical Society from 18th October in York. For more details, please contact admin@bhopal.org






Girl with candle Bhopal

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Your money helps us provide free medical care to the survivors of the continuing disaster in Bhopal. We are funded almost exclusively by the generosity of ordinary people around the world.