Acclaimed feature documentary ’Bhopali’, by award winning director Van Maximilian Carlson presents a modern portrait of shattered lives within communities surrounding the abandoned pesticides factory, site of the infamous 1984 gas disaster in Bhopal. Bhopali follows several children as they and their families cope with the ongoing medical, social and environmental fallout, as well as their memories of a traumatizing night of tragedy which shocked the world and changed Bhopal forever. The film charts the long struggle for justice from Union Carbide, an American corporation owned by Dow Chemical. Set against a backdrop of high stakes activism, global politics, human rights advocacy and vehement protests during the 25th anniversary of the tragedy, the film reveals an inspiring community of survivors proving to be anything but victims. Featuring Noam Chomsky, Satinath Sarangi, and attorney Rajan Sharma.
Join us on Sunday 6th March at 2pm for a special screening followed by a live Q&A and panel discussion. Tim Edwards, trustee of the Bhopal Medical Appeal, hosts a discussion with photographer Francesca Moore, whose Arts Council England funded project ‘Bhopal: Facing 30’ was recently exhibited at Photofusion Gallery in Brixton. Moore’s photographs include a striking formal family portrait series of the Bhopal disaster’s resilient survivors.
Sunday March 6th, 2pm. Further details and tickets Ritzy PictureHouse site