Bhopalโ€™s Community Shield

Gravely vulnerable, Bhopal Gas survivors form a Community Shield against Covid-19

The December 2nd/3rd 1984 gas tragedy left behind what may currently be the most at-risk population on earth.

Lacking the natural defences to fight the coronavirus Bhopal survivors know that personal safety depends on collective action. Their far-sightedness gifts to the world a model approach against Covid-19.

Love may not cure, but always heals

The booklet available to download here (by clicking on the booklet image) presents an action plan that we hope can be adapted by communities everywhere to protect themselves against Covid-19. The plan was developed in Bhopal by our two free clinics. In the 15 areas where this plan is at work there have so far been just three cases and no deaths. This could of course change in a breath.

The method in the plan is common sense based on best practice. It is meticulously organised but the magic is not in this or that idea or method. The magic is the people, itโ€™s the strong bond of trust between volunteers and people in the community they serve.

Shared danger brings out feelings of mutual care, a yearning to help. A world that seemed cruel sees a great upwelling of decency and kindness. Thousands of ordinary people in Britain and elsewhere have, for 25 years, given great kindness and decency to Bhopal. May the plan in the bookletโ€” our chance to gift something backโ€”help in your own fight against the virus.

thumbnail of From-Bhopal-With-Love
Click here to download a copy of From Bhopal, with Love: A Community-Led Initiative to Protect Against Coronavirus

At The Mercy Of Another Invisible Killer

35 years ago in Bhopal, a vast cloud of toxic MIC gas leaked without warning from a Union Carbide pesticides factory. Thousands suffocated to death.

Over half a million are left with permanent injuries that greatly heighten their vulnerability to Covid-19. As the majority present multiple co-morbidities medical workers insist that they are at least five times more vulnerable to Covid-19.

Community Mobilisation Plan

Community Mobilisation Plan

On the day of Bhopalโ€™s first Covid-19 death some of the poorest people on earth, lacking adequate protective equipment, testing kits, financial or other resources agreed a demanding and dangerous plan of action designed to monitor and suppress the spread of the virus within their own communities.

NGO & Local Govt. Action Plan

Six weeks after survivor organisations first sounded the alarm, on May 3rd 2020 Bhopal authorities agreed to comprehensively support their initiatives with a mass program of monitoring, testing and treatment for those most at risk due to existing co-morbidities.

NGO & Local Govt. Action Plan
How can you help?

How can you join our community shield?

Your support can help us to continue our work in Bhopal and highlight the importance of implementing community mobilisation in towns, cities and countries around the world to stem the spread of Covid-19.

Join our community shield and download your free copy of From Bhopal, with Love: A Community-Led Initiative to Protect Against Coronavirus

No more Bhopals

Please Donate

The Bhopal Medical Appealโ€™s ongoing work depends entirely upon the compassion and fellowship of ordinary people, as well as contributions by trusts and philanthropic groups.