We wish to thank one of our longest serving supporters, Olivia Dell, and her friends for running another event to raise money for the clinics in Bhopal. On Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th November Olivia held an event at her home featuring ‘a treasure trove of paintings, handwoven linens, plant dyed and hand-felted animals and birds, and embroidered textiles from around the world’. In addition to the sale of these items, funds were raised through the sale of soup, savoury foods and homemade cakes.
Altogether Olivia and her friends succeeded in raising an amazing £866, more than the equivalent amount required to pay for all of the electricity at the Chingari Children’s Clinic for a full 6 months! Olivia has previously raised money for us through the sale of peg dolls and her peg doll making workshops, as well as house and garden sales. We would like to thank Olivia again for her ongoing support, as well as everyone else who was involved in this fantastic fundraiser.
If you are interested in holding an event or fundraiser for the Bhopal Medical Appeal, whether it’s an Open House like Olivia’s, a curry evening with your friends or a bake sale in your community, please contact us at [email protected] or on 01273 603278 and let us know. We would love to help and can provide posters, flyers, banners and help with publicising your event.