12 Born disabled

From Sathyu’s Introduction to Bhopal for Young People Samples of groundwater have been tested by both government officials and non government organisations such as Greenpeace and found to contain high levels of chemicals that cause cancers

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09 And the living

From Sathyu’s Introduction to Bhopal for Young People Well over half a million people were exposed. Those exposed had swollen eyes and they were gasping for breath. Medical research showed that once people inhaled the poisonous

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08 The dead

From Sathyu’s Introduction to Bhopal for Young People As people ran in the direction of the gas they inhaled more and more of the poison and fell down dead. Many children holding on to their parents

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02 The Green Revolution

From Sathyu’s Introduction to Bhopal for Young People Cunning as they were, these corporations called this kind of agriculture using chemicals – the ‘Green Revolution’. They claimed that the Green Revolution would guarantee that there was

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