We try our best to cause least harm to the environment

Here’s how Sambhavna minimises its impact on the environment:

1. For the construction of the Sambhavna Clinic building we used the very minimum of toxic materials. For protection from termites we use a product made from the shells of cashew nuts (a waste material), our pipes are made from cast iron and not PVC and we do not use toxic paints.

2. We harvest much of the rainwater that falls in our premises and recharge the groundwater, as well as storing a large amount of water for the times when water is in short supply.

3. We do not use any synthetic detergents to clean clothes, dishes or floors. We use soapnuts for washing everything. We have three soapnut trees in our garden and are expecting them to bear fruits soon.

4. We do not use any synthetic chemicals (such as carbolic acid) for mopping the clinic’s floors. We boil neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves in water and use that to mop floors.

5. We do not use acid-based toilet cleaners; rather we use EM solution (effective micro-organisms) to keep our toilets clean and odour free.

6. We do not use synthetic chemicals to deal with mosquitoes; we make our own herbal mosquito repellants.

7. We use solar disinfectors to treat the medical waste generated in the clinic instead of an incinerator.

8. For growing medicinal plants we use vermi compost (kitchen waste converted to manure with help from earthworms) and use herbal solutions to deal with insects that cause damage.

Do get in touch for further details, recipes and more!

Girl with candle Bhopal

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Your money helps us provide free medical care to the survivors of the continuing disaster in Bhopal. We are funded almost exclusively by the generosity of ordinary people around the world.

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