The Way Up North

Jasu’s First Shot, Before Leaving Brighton

Passionate landscape photographer Jasu Talvensaari has a taste for adventure and, after skateboarding from Italy to Brighton, now has his sights set on an epic cycle adventure- from Brighton right up to the Northern-most tip of Norway! It’s an epic journey by any standards and Jasu, who is riding in support of the BMA, hopes to raise £1500 for his efforts.

Jasu’s journey has begun and we’ll be tracking his progress. We wish him the very best of luck.

“My name is Jasu Talvensaari, I’m a 26 year old photographer from Helsinki Finland but currently living in Brighton, UK. I am passionate about landscape photography and enjoy being outdoors in the wild. About 5 years ago I skated from Italy to Brighton ( a journey I will never forget.

“Since then my craving for adventure has grown and I have learnt a lot about filming/photography to make sure my next adventure will be properly documented. As this craving for adventure grew I decided to plan and organise a charity cycle from Brighton to the top of Norway (Nordkapp) all in all just over 5000km. The reason I have chosen Norway as my destination is due to my Scandinavian heritage and the multitude of different landscapes that the country has on offer.

“I will be raising money and awareness for the Bhopal medical appeal a charity that helps the victims and survivors of the Bhopal disaster in India. I will be creating a series of videos along the journey that will be focused on the human ability to co-exist with nature and the responsibility that we as humans have to ensure it stays that way. Something that a lot of corporations (in the case of Bhopal, Union Carbide now owned by Dow Chemical or DowDuPont) seem to make their own rules for.

“I will be beginning my journey at the start of May and hope to reach the end by the end of June, during this time I am hoping to raise at least £1,500 for the charity.”



Girl with candle Bhopal

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Your money helps us provide free medical care to the survivors of the continuing disaster in Bhopal. We are funded almost exclusively by the generosity of ordinary people around the world.

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